Whether you are checking out our church for the first time or you are looking for a new church to call home, we would like to welcome you to the FUMC of Northville. At FUMC, we help people find God, grow in their faith, experience His love and share God’s grace with others through our many activities and outreach programs.
We invite you to browse our website to begin exploring all the events and programs that excite us as well as all the good we are doing in the world through our mission work.
Church Services
10:00 am In-Person Blended Worship
10:00 am Online (link on homepage)
We have two parking lots. Our largest parking lot is located on the east side of our property at the intersection of Taft Road and Eight Mile Road. The entrance is off Eight Mile Road just west of this intersection. A smaller parking lot is located on the upper west side of our property and is reserved primarily for those needing extra assistance as it is closest to our sanctuary.
In addition to attending worship, many people attend CONNECTIONS for coffee, cookies, and fellowship. It’s an opportunity to find out what activities are going on in the church, catch up with friends and meet new people.
Music Ministries
The Music Ministry is a very active and vital ministry in the life of the church. The mission is to offer opportunities for persons of all ages and abilities to share their talents in praise of God and in service to others. The opportunities include choral, drama, instrumental, handbells and worship media. Those who become involved will find opportunities for spiritual growth, the development of musical skills and Christian fellowship. Whatever your interests and gifts are, we hope you’ll feel at home with at least one of our many choirs and ensembles. All are welcome. CLICK HERE for more information on all the specific music groups here at FUMC.
We invite you to join us!
We would like to personally invite you to one of our services. Regardless of where each of us is on our journey, we all are joined by the common desire at FUMC to make friends and fellowship with one another, to develop and nurture a growing faith, and to create positive change in the world. It is through this connection that our atmosphere is one of warmth, encouragement, and acceptance.
Communion is the first Sunday of every month. All Christians are welcome at our table, whatever their denomination. You need not be a member of the United Methodist Church or even a baptized Christian. Children are welcome to take communion. It is up to their parents to decide when they should begin receiving it. We usually serve communion by intinction, which means that you tear off a piece of bread then dip it in the cup of grape juice. We offer gluten-free bread for those who have gluten intolerance. We also use pre-packed communion that can be picked up from the church office if you will be worshiping with us online. Click here for more information about Communion.
Building Entrances
Upper parking lot: There is a set of dedicated doors where you will enter the narthex. Greeters will be there to welcome you to our church, provide directions to other areas of the church such as Sunday school classrooms and answer any other questions you might have.
Lower parking lot: There are two sets of doors available to enter the building on the lower level. The west set of doors is located just at the base of the stairs to Level 1 and the elevator. The east set of doors enters into the atrium outside our Fellowship Hall and Main Office. There is a corridor to the right that leads to the elevator and stairs to Level 1 where our sanctuary and Sunday school classes are located. Greeters will be there to welcome you to our church, provide directions to other areas of the church such as Sunday school classrooms and answer any other questions you might have.
What to expect on Sundays
Our services include music, greeting and announcements, offering, and a message that is relevant to your daily life.
We use a large screen at our worship services. In addition to enhancing our services by reflecting the theme of worship, you will find the lyrics to the praise and worship songs, the hymns, and the spoken/unison liturgy throughout the services. Hymnals are also available in the pew racks.
What to wear
Please wear whatever makes you comfortable as you worship God. There is no dress code. On any given Sunday dress ranges from dresses / suits and ties to shirts and jeans.
Nursery & Sunday School
During Fall Worship:
Every 1st Sunday of the month is COMMUNION SUNDAY where our children (grades 3rd – 12th) remain in worship for the entire hour.
Nursery is available during the entire service. All children and youth (Pre-School – 12th grade) begin their morning in the worship service and are then excused to classes after the announcements
During Summer Worship, childcare is available for Infant- 3 year olds in the nursery and for ages 4 – grade 5 in the Chapel.
Our greeters will be happy to direct you to our nursery and Sunday school rooms.
Feel free to send us an email at fumc777@fumcnorthville.org or call our church office at 248-349-1144.