Lent Class: How to Break Up With Your Phone
 A 30 Day Phone Detox Plan + Group Conversations
Wednesdays starting March 12, 6:00-6:30pm

What might limiting screens make time for this season?
Our phones are changing our attention, happiness, memory, health, and relationships. How to Break Up With Your Phone by Catherine Price is for anyone who wants to spend less time on their phones or devices, but doesn’t know how. You’ll learn why we’re hooked and why it’s important to set boundaries, how to keep the helpful aspects of our phones and limit the rest. Then you’ll practice a 30 day phone detox plan as part of the Lent series.

Options to participate in this class include:

  • SOLO: Read along and participate in the 30-day phone detox on your own.
  • BOOK + SUPPORT: Read the book and participate in the 30-day detox. Meet with other participants to discuss your experience weekly during Midweek Dessert & Devotions (Wednesday nights 6:00-6:30pm, Fellowship Hall).
  • TOPICAL DISCUSSION ONLY: Don’t want to read the book but are interested in the topic? We’ll pull passages from the book and related scriptures for Dessert & Devotions discussion (Wednesday nights 6:00-6:30pm, Fellowship Hall).

Books are $10. Please register below. Questions? Contact Rev. Sarah.
If you order a book:
– Books will be available by Ash Wednesday, March 5th.
– Pick up your book in the vestibule outside the main office. Place $10/book in an envelope marked “Adult Education – Books.” Place the envelope in a lockbox in the main office or outside of the office copy room.
If you are participating in discussions:
– Discussions will begin Wednesday, March 12th. Look for a table in the Fellowship Hall marked according to whether you are reading the book & practicing the detox or not.