Midweek Connect

Midweek Connect

MidweekConnect Wednesdays, Starting September 18th, 5:15 pm MidweekConnect is a time of fellowship, fun, and faith formation for the whole family! Join us each week for: Dinner (5:15-6:00): Connect with your family around the table during a meal together. KidsConnect...
Restored Group

Restored Group

Restored Group Tuesdays, 8:30am on Zoom This group meets year-round to read, discuss, learn, and share about faith development.Starting September 26, the group will read and discuss “The Bait of Satan, 20th Anniversary Edition: Living Free from the Deadly Trap...
Circle Time

Circle Time

Circle Time Every Sunday, 9:00am on The Path Review the day’s scripture before service. Gather at 9:00am for social time and start the Bible verse review at 9:15 for half an hour. Attend worship after Circle Time with a better understanding of the scripture for...