Our theme for Lent is “Signs and Wonders.”
Do you believe in miracles? Did Jesus actually perform them? And if God can make miracles happen, does God choose for some to receive them and not others? Why are some healed and others are not? Do miracles still occur today? Have you ever witnessed one? Have you ever been the recipient of one? What constitutes a miracle?
This Lenten season we will explore the signs and wonders that give us pause in our faith journey as we consider Jesus, the Miracle Worker.
Ice Skating Event
All Church Ice Skating Event Sunday, January 26, 1:30pm, Eddie Edgar Arena Come out for fun...
Scouting Ministries Sunday
SCOUTING MINISTRIES SUNDAY Sunday, February 9, 10:00am, Sanctuary All boy scouts and girl...
Screening: What Do You Believe Now?
“WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE NOW?” SCREENING & DISCUSSION Saturday, February 8, 9:30-11:30am,...